Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"It's Not Bout Being Afraid. Its About Being Realistic."

A smart person told me today thru text that, "When people fall in love... Its a gradual process. They meet for the first time. Exchange numbers... Go out a few times. They notice they enjoy each others complany alot so they start dating. The feelings come into play and make it exclusive. They begin to yearn for each other and realize they are falling in love. They need to be with each other, would do anything for the other and realize they are in love. Over time they spend more time with each other..." and I began to look for a .38 special to shoot myself in the head with.
While I don't neccessarily disagree with that sappy, hallmark, "The Notebook" type love, and I ask a question: What if you never had the chance to do that? What if a face to face never came into play? All you have is a phone and a computer for communication? Can't you still yearn? Can't feelings still come into play? Can't you still do anything for that person? Can't you still fall in LOVE? Now I understand, that while you may love talking to that person on the phone, you can when you meet in person... NOT click. Because to some people, Physical Interaction is key to a relationship.
But sometimes, you dont get to have physical interaction. What about people in jail? Yes, you get to see them thru a glass or screen, but do you have that same face to face? No. You have to make due with the supplies you have because if you feel a certain way thru a phone... you should have it in person. Especially if there's history... Especially where you HAVE met. Some people put too much emphasis on NOW, everybody gets to be so obsessed with time that they forget what its in front. We have to... We should cherish the moments that we have on this earth, cuz while we romanticize time so much, we fail to realize that TIME is LIMITED...
But then again... Maybe its just me.
I asked the person, "What is it that is making you afraid?" She replied, "It's Not Bout Being Afraid. Its About Being Realistic." Sometimes keeping it real goes wrong, and you miss the things we care about the most. Cause we want to be real... I'm not saying be naive, or be oblivious... I'm not saying keep it real, or a 100 [as these cool kids are saying these days]... I say be true to yourself and your feelings...Cause at the end of the day, that's all you have anyway.

But then again... Maybe its just me.
Maybe she wasn't that smart after all...

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