Sunday March 1st, 2009.
The date my LIFE changed. The day that all my dreams were realized… It is the day YOU entered my life… OFFICIALLY. You’re no longer my friend, but my girl… my woman… my future wife [*hint hint*]. Hands down, you’re the BEST I ever had. In this short time, there’s no comparison to you. But, then again, it’s always been that way since first glance. I know this road is only going to get harder as we both are on a road to success, but I’m glad I’m in this car with you. My heart stops when you call me “BABY”, sparks shoot up my spine when you say “I LOVE YOU”.
I try my hardest to be the best MAN I can be, and that’s why sometimes my “SUPERMAN” efforts are ill-fated in some situations. It’s only because I want to help, so I give you words of encouragement so you’d know someone is behind you. I am your #1 fan, your GROUPIE… Words can’t explain how you do me. I am IN love with you… Words can’t even express how I feel for you. I am undoubtedly yours: NOW AND FOREVER. I look forward to building a life with you. I only wish you see what I see.
You say I’m your ‘HALO’ but YOU are my angel. The light at the end of the tunnel… You are not the target, but the arrow; Cupid’s arrow. I finally understand the lyrics and what they mean to you, and I only hope to please you. So… the Lord has answered my prayers and sent me you. After years of tests and failures, he brings me the best woman to get me on track. To support, to encourage, to guide… And she still manages to be so fly…
I Love You Shakira Ballard…